Saturday, September 27, 2008

Eat Local Challenge

I have been somewhat stalking for some time awaiting a new locally eating minded challenge, so I was so happy when they posted one to take place the month of October 2008. For the last year or so I have made much more of a concerted effort to buy local. In ways such as continuing our involvement with a local CSA, supporting Farmer's Markets instead of grocery stores and, more recently, buying meats and eggs from a local farmer. It has evolved to local honeys, nuts, cheeses, soaps and whatever else I can find! I am eagerly awaiting this challenge to really help me stretch a bit further and see what other local gems I can discover!

To begin this challenge the participants were asked to answer a few questions:
My definition of local:

I will use the 100-mile diet definition of local, using a 100 mile radius. I find the tool at especially helpful in this endeavor!


Coffee – although we home roast and only use sustainable, fair trade, organic beans.

Eating out – will make an effort to only frequent places that promote local eating.

Spices and grains that are already in my cupboard (but I will not purchase new ones that are not locally available)

Kids – in an effort to get my children to eat a well balanced diet an occasional exception may have to be made.


To try and incorporate local eating more in the children’s diets as well as ours.

To discover new local items that I was not previously aware of.

1 comment:

Jennifer Maiser said...

I cannot wait to hear how you incorporate this into the lives of your kids! So glad you're taking the challenge.