Friday, October 3, 2008

Day 3 Eat Local Challenge

Scrambled eggs (from local farmer)
Tillamook cheese (local)
Honey wheat bread from local bakery

Last of the homemade tamales (see previous day’s post for locality of these)

Baked potatoes (local russets from CSA this week)
Steamed broccoli (from previous CSA bin)
Roasted golden roma tomatoes (from this week's CSA bin)
Cheese (Tillamook again….our old standby, thank goodness it is local!)
Butter (Tillamook, so local again)

Grocery Store: (My DH wanted to track how much of our food budget is spent on local food… I shall attempt to keep track of that too this month! It’s sure to increase by quite a bit after my trip to the Farmer’s Market tomorrow.)
All local purchases – woo hoo!
2 half gallons of milk: $2.29 each
2 pints half and half: $1.29 each
TOTAL (100% local goods): $7.16

Observation of the day: baking with all local ingredients will be a bit of a challenge…..I’ll have to explore this some more later. Also, I need to try and make some bread this weekend. The previous week I didn’t have time for bread making and I spent about $15 on bread. I need to find time to bake some instead!

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