Saturday, October 4, 2008

Day 4 Eat Local Challenge

I think my DH is cheating and sticking to his traditional oatmeal for breakfast most mornings, but I am not going to wake up at 6 am to check! The kids and I are doing better though...we had local farm fresh eggs (mine fried, kids’ boiled) and a piece of toast (also local).

I also got around to making 2 loaves of nice fresh whole wheat bread today so we’ll be dining on that all week! It was from mostly local ingredients, with exception of the yeast and oil.

After breakfast, we went to the Farmer’s Market today. The weather forecast was for rain all day and it was obvious that most of the vendors took that to heart and stayed home. The produce was still plentiful though and we got a nice variety to supplement our CSA bin:

$2 for 5 red peppers
$2 basket of jalepenos and basket of tomatillos
$1.40 for 6 red pears
$2.35 cantaloupe
$6 shitake mushrooms
$3.75 for 3 onions (2 red, 1 white), 1 garlic and a small pie pumpkin

TOTAL : $17.50 (all local produce!)

Previous total was $7.16, so the total for the month so far is $24.66, ALL local dollars!

LUNCH: consisted entirely of leftovers from the fridge. I am not even sure what everyone ate as we were trying to get one kid out the door for an activity and the other off to her nap. I had leftover baked potato.

DINNER: Cheesy Cauliflower soup (all local ingredients - even the homemade chicken stock - with the exception of the salt and pepper) and the homemade bread.

DESSERT: Melon from the market.

Note: I also spent a good part of the afternoon preserving local produce for use in the months when it is not so plentiful. I am canning tomatoes, drying tomatoes, freezing peppers, greens and cauliflower and I made up a batch of pesto to put in an ice cube tray and freeze. Mmmm….mmmmm…..I know I’ll REALLY appreciate these in the fall and winter!

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